Cogbill Hurricane Preparedness

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In Southeast Texas we know very well the stress and chaos a hurricane can cause. As the first week of hurricane season begins, we want to share with everyone some of our hurricane preparedness tips, so you will be prepared if a hurricane heads towards your community.

Two Choices: Stay or Evacuate

Depending on one’s life experiences, properties, capabilities and circumstances, some would evacuate, especially if the authorities issue a mandatory evacuation for their community. Others would believe they are not in great danger and thus decide to stay. In both cases, you should always start with a plan.

Make a Plan:

A hurricane preparedness plan should be made ahead of time, so one would have sufficient time to react when a storm is headed his way. Some tips for making a good plan are:

  • Document the plan, use bullets, and have others review it.

  • Discuss the plan with your family members and anyone who will be joining you early enough, and ensure everyone understands the goals and their part in it.

  • Update the plan as time goes by to make sure you have the best possible plan.

  • Keep discussing the plan as the hurricane season progresses, so it stays fresh in the mind.

If You Evacuate:

  1. Make hotel reservations or contact family members you will be evacuating to, early on and before the chaos starts.

  2. Plan to evacuate as early as possible, even 2-4 days before a storm arrives. Road congestion can easily make a 50 mile trip take 48 hours on the road.

  3. Be prepared to pack up and bring the following items with you:

    • Communication Devices (with chargers).

    • Critical Documents (Proof of Insurance, Social Security Card, I.D., Passports, Medical Records, home and vehicle insurance papers, etc.).

    • Photos of your home, inside and out, for insurance purposes.

    • Medication, Hygiene, First Aid.

    • Cash.

    • Clothes.

    • Pets & Pet Food.

    • Irreplaceable Items (valuables & jewelry).

    • Contact Information (family, friends, employers).

If You Stay Home:

  1. Inform your family, friends, and neighbors that you will be staying behind, as well as your local emergency services.

  2. Have an emergency stock pile prepared with the following items:

    • Water (one gallon per person per day for at least 10 days)

    • Food (at least a 10 day supply of non perishable food)

    • Battery-Powered Radio

    • Batteries

    • Flashlights

    • First Aid Kit

    • Duct Tape

    • Tools

    • Can opener

    • Gas

    • Sanitation Wipes

    • Matches, Lighters

    • Boards and Planks of Wood

  3. Lift electronics and electrical strips off the floor and keep unplugged in the event flooding occurs.

  4. Put all important documents and photographs in freezer bags to protect them from water damage.

There are many other aspects one should consider if he decides to stay or evacuate, and this will depend on each individual and family specific needs and circumstances. Planning early will help alleviate both the dangers and the inconvenience of a hurricane or big storm. During this season, let’s all be prepared, be safe, and let’s help each other.

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