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Staying Safe with Ms. Nicole | Morale Goes a Long Way

Morale in the Workplace

If asked, “What does morale mean to you?” or “What is morale like in your shop?” most would respond with “nice working environment” and “good”. Here at Cogbill we try to push past the basic simple answers to those questions. Albert Einstein once said in a french quote “Without moral culture, there is no chance for men.” Basic understanding has us infer that without morals or a moral compass, men cannot move forward or succeed.

Morals & Morale

When Cogbill talks about morals, we look at people who hold qualities such as: Doing the right thing, Being Considerate, Being Fair, Choosing to do good, and always strive to be a good person. This illustrates to us what kind of aura they will bring to the team. Morale is the glue that keeps a company jiving together. When workers are enjoying their job and feeling appreciated, that is when a company gets the best results.

Our shop leaders set the tone at the top. This follows through all levels of employees. This allows our optimism to spread to all departments. Each and every one of our employees individually impact our company. Our employees strive to boost morale by treating others with respect, providing encouragement, and being kind. Robert Collier once said “Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day-in and day-out.” Putting in the effort to change something or to make it better, will always be worth the time spent in the end.

Written By: Teresa Reeves

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