Cogbill Safety & Quality Standards
Cogbill’s Safety Commitment
At Cogbill Construction, safety is our FIRST priority. We take pride in promoting the safety of our employees, our clients, our suppliers, and the general public, all while meeting project goals. We believe the safety of all stakeholders begins with planning at the main office all the way through implementation at the jobsite. We not only comply with all federal, state, and local laws and regulations with our comprehensive safety system, but we also use innovative initiatives designed to motivate personnel to work safely and responsibly.
We are certified members of ISNetworld and Avetta (formerly PICS), bolstered by our incident-free operations. Our comprehensive safety management system includes hands-on training and certification on all processes and equipment our employees engage with or operate. All employees are empowered to not only to take measures to improve safety, but they also have the authority to stop work when a threat is perceived.

Our Safety System Components:
Behavioral-Based Safety
Total Involvement by Management & Employees
Employee Empowerment
Voice of the Customer & Voice of the Employee
Stop Work Authority
JHAs & Site Audits
Preventive Maintenance
Drug & Alcohol Comprehensive Program
Environment Awareness & Protection
Cogbill’s Quality Commitment
Since its inception, Cogbill Construction has led a concerted and committed effort to provide top quality products and services to all its customers. We continue to meet or exceed our customers’ contract specifications and expectations on every project.
Cogbill implements detailed policies through procedures designed to prevent the possibility of delivering defective products or services to its customers. Our employees continually train to ensure that only productsthat meet the highest quality standards leave our facility. We continually meet our goal of providing defect-free products and services to our customers by fully adhering to our strict Quality Control/Quality Assurance Program.
Cogbill Construction strives for exceptional quality of all its products, services and management systems so that our customers’ satisfaction, loyalty, and respect are acquired and then retained
To achieve these goals, we:
Empower, involve, and train each and every employee
Establish partnerships with customers and suppliers
Foster quality improvement teams
Ensure that employees are recognized for achievements